Friday, March 6, 2020

How Streamlined is Your Business? Take The Strategic Simplicity® Test

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Market Simplicity - What big idea or theme do you want your product or service known for? What one thing do you want to focus your marketing on?

2. Decision Simplicity - How easy is it for prospects to decide and evaluate among your offerings? Is it easy for them to see the value of your products compared to those of competitors? Does your product portfolio overlap and cause confusion?

3. User Simplicity - Once a prospect decides to become a customer, how easy is it for them to buy, use your product, and take advantage of sales and servicing? Consider your employees to be (internal) customers: do you provide them with user simplicity to do their jobs?

4. Change Simplicity - Do you break change down into small chunks—micro projects, that you can iterate through? Do you apply analog vs digital thinking?

© 2020 Praveen Puri