Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Process vs. Content Consulting

I learned from my mentor, famed consultant Alan Weiss, about the power in practicing process consulting vs. content consulting.

What's the difference?

Let's use the examples of a football team, and an aerospace company.  A content expert on the football team might teach them to tackle better, or run better passing routes.  A content expert in the aerospace company might help with a rocket design.  Most likely, these would be separate individuals.

By contrast, the same process consultant could work with both the football team and the aerospace company.  For example, the football team may have created a new offensive strategy for a key opponent, but the players then abandoned the strategy in the middle of the game.  The aerospace company created ambitious plans to build a large rocket ship, but then the project stalls out.  

In both cases, they have the same process issue: they failed to execute on their plans.  The process consultant can help them figure out why, and what to do about it.  It could be a change management issue, missing skillset, or resources issue. It may be that the plan is too ambitious, and they need to follow a more incremental approach.

These days, companies are full of content experts, but because we are in the Attention Scarcity Age, where everyone is over-loaded by constant information and change, process expertise, such as critical thinking, troubleshooting, and communication, is highly needed to help set strategy, innovate, create plans, and execute initiatives.   

I help companies with process issues using my Strategic Simplicity® Framework, CLOUD:
Change simplicity, Language simplicity, Operational simplicity, User simplicity, and Decision simplicity.

© 2025 Praveen Puri