Monday, August 21, 2017

Why Sloths Are No Deadly Sin

Sloths used to be considered boring, useless animals who hang in trees all day.  Being slothful was looked down upon—a "deadly" sin.

Now, the Wall Street Journal has become the latest media outlet to write about how sloths are exploding in popularity.  They are one of the most popular animals in the zoo and, unfortunately, people are starting to want to keep them as pets (which isn't good, since some species are endangered).

Why are sloths so popular?  Why are people having visceral actions, and crying while watching them (do nothing)?

I think it's a reaction to our times, which I called the "Attention Scarcity Age".  We have left the Information Age.  Now, we are drowning in information and big data. We tweet in sound bites and rush around, always on call.

Sloths thrive by doing less and appear to be in contemplation.  People today are thirsty for ease, a slower pace, and less chaos.

This is one of the reasons that Strategic Simplicity®  is so important for businesses today. Your customers, employees, and suppliers are all overworked and overwhelmed.  You are fighting to attract their attention and loyalty.

One of the best ways is through incorporating simplicity throughout your business.  I help my clients with 4 types of simplicity: change simplicity, market simplicity, decision simplicity, and user simplicity.